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Семинар по математической физике НИУ ВШЭ и Центра перспективных исследований Сколтеха: Илья Вильковиский (Сколтех, унив. ВШЭ)

Мероприятие завершено

Интегрируемые структуры конформных теорий поля и анзац Бете для gl_1 аффинного Янгиана

This talk is devoted to the study of the integrable structures of conformal field theories associated to the Liouville reflection operator/Maulik Okounkov R-matrix.
We will observe that the Integrals of Motion of W algebras of type A coincide with the ones associated to gl_1 affine Yangian "spin chain"  with periodic boundary conditions. We will also identify the integrable structures of W algebras of types BCD with the affine Yangian "spin chains" with boundaries. The main tools in establishing these connections are the reflection R and Sklyanin K matrices, I will provide their definition and explain why they indeed solve RRR and KRKR relations. If there will be enough time we will also discuss the relation between the RLL and current realization of the affine Yangian of gl_1 and  derive the  Bethe ansatz equations for the spectrum of the Integrals of Motion

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Страница семинара http://crei.skoltech.ru/cas/ru/calendar-ru/sem-wed-ru/